Celebrating diversity, challenging discrimination and changing attitudes in North Devon.

Sunrise Diversity is a dynamic grassroots community organisation providing activities, training, services and events for all living in North Devon. That includes those of diverse identities such as minority ethnic groups, disabled people, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Our aim is for all people in northern Devon to be accepted and respected for their individual humanity within a truly inclusive, supportive and welcoming community. We’re passionate about challenging and transforming prejudice, discrimination and abusive practices so everyone feels safe, included and valued.

Need our support?

Reach out for professional, confidential, and non-judgmental advice. We listen and work with you to find the best solutions and services.

What we offer...


We provide services in Northern Devon for those with diverse identities such as migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, people of colour, and the LGBTQ+ community. These include our English classes, help and support service, and meet and connect activity groups.


We provide practitioner-led workshops and training tailored for professionals and community members working with diverse groups, including migrants, refugees, people of colour, and the LGBTQ+ community. Our sessions are engaging, practical, flexible, and affordable, with reduced rates for partner organisations.


We have experience of providing a range of events which promote inclusion, diversity, and address racism, homo/transphobia and discrimination. These events provide opportunities to learn, share, and talk, bringing communities together.

Some kind words from some amazing people

Want to get involved?

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the fantastic community support behind us.

Learn more about how you can get involved with Sunrise by volunteering, fundraising or donating.

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Agnim fugitae perspe am velendundam illandu ntempor magnimi, comnihi cimagnis quat aperiat odi dollic tem sus velique num doloria...
Agnim fugitae perspe am velendundam illandu ntempor magnimi, comnihi cimagnis quat aperiat odi dollic tem sus velique num doloria...
Agnim fugitae perspe am velendundam illandu ntempor magnimi, comnihi cimagnis quat aperiat odi dollic tem sus velique num doloria...